
by N.A. Larson

Welcome to Children of Kefentse, a gathering place for fans of Twilight Sparkle’s Secret Shipfic Folder! This website is still under construction, so here is a brief overview of the features we have up and running, and our plans for the future:


A place where you can talk about the game, discuss new designs, and find collaborators.


Here you will find information about the rules of the game, guidelines for designing cards, and a link to our GitHub repository.

Updated TSSSF Sets (Coming Soon)

We will be releasing new versions of Core Deck and the other major releases with minor corrections and standardized rules-wordings. Currently, our errata is available on the Resources page.

Card Generator (Coming Soon)

We're converting the card generator from the *.pon format to JSON, and adding features to the graphical card editor. (Note: this won’t affect the existing Online App)

Database (Coming Soon)

Currently, the Database only shows cards from Core Deck. However, we will add more cards, and nearly every aspect of a card will be searchable. Users will be able to upload their own designs, and “like” and “follow” the designs of others.

We hope you will find this website useful. If there’s a feature you’d like to see, comment on “Website Issues” in the Forums, or drop us a line at info@childrenofkefentse.com.

Happy Shipping,

The CofK Team